The 5th European Gas Technology Conference

EGATEC 2022 took place on 14th – 15th  June in Hamburg, bringing together high-level representatives from the European gas industry, universities, companies, and other stakeholders. Organized by MARCOGAZ and GERG, the conference was hosted by the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) and supported by the European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation (ERIG). 

The conference worked as a platform to exchange knowledge and experience on the challenges and opportunities the energy transition and decarbonization efforts present for the gas industry. 

The main topics that were covered during the conference: The role of gas in the future energy system, How gas can become carbon neutral, Hydrogen infrastructure, Future gas utilisation, EU climate goals, Biogas and SNG from biomass, Domestic production and import of eFuels, H2 Readiness, H2 and renewable methane in the mobility sector, European hydrogen backbone and IPCEI projects, Lighthouse projects, Next steps for the gas industry…

The 2022 GERG Young Researchers’ Awards

The 10th edition of the GERG YRA took place  in association with EGATEC 2022 on 14th June in Hamburg, promoting interaction between European universities and research centres, on R&D topics related to gas in the energy system. 10 students were selected as finalists and they had the opportunity to present their posters and discuss with high-level representatives from the European gas industry, universities, companies, and other stakeholders. Furthermore, during the session dedicated to the awards, each of the students gave a pith presentation of their PhD project, evaluated by a jury of senior members of the associations co-organising the conference.

During the award ceremony event at the charming venue of ‘Hamburg Del Mar’ the three winners were announced, and GERG awarded them prizes of 1000€.
